Our Process

Whilst every project and every community has different needs, we have a proven process for getting tangible and sustainable results. We use an evidence-based approach to identify the unique role that Green Cross Australia can play, and create partnerships rather than just funding.

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Research & Data

Gather all the important and relevant information regarding the risk or issue at hand to get a strong understanding of what needs to be done.

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Identify Key Players

Identify the key stakeholders in the community. This may be local councils, sector peak bodies, community groups, research institutes or other roleplayers.



Talk directly with the key stakeholders and combine our research with their expertise to get crystal clear on exactly what’s required.



Create a Strategy

With all the information in hand, we create a plan to implement the required changes with key milestones, timelines, costs, risks and all other factors.

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Service Methodology

We deliver programs working collaboratively with the key players to execute the strategy, engagement and program governance.

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Self Sufficiency

Once we have deemed the project self-sufficient, we leave it in the capable hands of the community to maintain, and complete the project.


What do these words mean to us?



The ability of a system, asset, community or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate, adapt to, transform and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner, including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions through risk management.


Is the actions taken to help cope with a changing climate that leads to a reduction in harm or risk of harm, or realisation of benefits.


Refers to the degree in which communities are susceptible to changes in the climate / hazard. It takes into account the exposure to specific climate / hazard effect, the physical location and the profile (sensitive and adaptive capacity ) of the community.



The process by which people gain confidence that they have the capability to control factors and decisions that shape their lives. Community empowerment refers to the process of enabling communities to increase control over their lives.


Organisations and/or individuals working together for a common purpose to achieve a shared goal.


Organisations and/or individuals working together for a common purpose to achieve a shared goal.

A resilient community

A resilient community has the ability to adapt to changes in the physical, social or economic environment, and the potential to learn from experience and improve over time. A resilient community can also be self-sufficient, at least for a time, if external assistance is limited or delayed.
